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Master MSR (2018-2019)


Calendar 5AH13 (Part 1)

Tuesday 18 September, AM - Emmanuel Guigon - Olivier Sigaud
Tuesday 18 September, PM - Nicolas Perrin (lab)
Tuesday 25 September, AM - Olivier Sigaud - Benoit Girard
Tuesday 25 September, PM - Nicolas Perrin (lab)
Wednesday 26 September, PM - Emmanuel Guigon
Tuesday 2 October, AM - Emmanuel Guigon - Mehdi Khamassi
Tuesday 2 October, PM - Nicolas Perrin (lab)
Tuesday 16 October, PM - Validation

Syllabus 5AH13 (Part 1)


Documents 5AH13 (Part 1)

1. Human motor control. The organization of movement (E. Guigon)   (7.1Mo)
2. Reinforcement learning: From the basics to Deep RL (O. Sigaud)   (8.80o)
3. Regression (O. Sigaud)   (8.8Mo)
4. Architecture and models of the brain eye saccadic movement circuitry (B. Girard)   (6.8Mo)
5. Human motor control. Computational motor control (E. Guigon)   (7.2Mo)
6. Human motor control. Biological motor control (E. Guigon)   (6.7Mo)
7. Human motor control. Models and theories (E. Guigon)   (11.7Mo)
8. Bio-inspired / bio-mimetic action selection & reinforcement learning (M. Khamassi)   (13.9Mo)
Bibliography (E. Guigon)   (4.5Mo)

Assignment 5AH13 (Part 1)

Date: Tuesday 16 October 2018 | 13h45-18h00
Please choose one of the following articles (3 students/article) and indicate your choice by email to emmanuel.guigon at sorbonne-universite.fr. If the article is still available, you will receive an acknowledgement of your choice.
Prepare a 10-min presentation (in english) to describe the work reported in the article. Please use some slides as a support to present the article (with a maximum of 6-7 slides). Use the following plan:
- Introduction (involving the research question and its relevance for the field)
- Procedure
- Main results (you can do several times procedure and results if there are several studies)
- Discussion (involving explaining what did the results specifically showed).
The presentation will be followed by questions (10-min). An evaluation mark will be given based on the clarity of the presentation and the depth of understanding. The intrinsic difficulty of each article will be taken into account. Please respect the timing.
The presentations (ppt or pdf) can be sent in advance to emmanuel.guigon at sorbonne-universite.fr (preferred), brought on a USB key (good), or on your own computer (less preferred).


1. Banino A, Barry C, Uria B, Blundell C, Lillicrap T, Mirowski P, Pritzel A, Chadwick MJ, Degris T, Modayil J, Wayne G, Soyer H, Viola F, Zhang B, Goroshin R, Rabinowitz N, Pascanu R, Beattie C, Petersen S, Sadik A, Gaffney S, King H, Kavukcuoglu K, Hassabis D, Hadsell R, Kumaran D (2018) Vector-based navigation using grid-like representations in artificial agents. Nature 557(7705):429-433.
2. Acerbi L, Vijayakumar S, Wolpert DM (2017) Target uncertainty mediates sensorimotor error correction. PLoS One 12(1):e0170466.
3. Avraham G, Leib R, Pressman A, Simo LS, Karniel A, Shmuelof L, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Nisky I (2017) State-based delay representation and its transfer from a game of pong to reaching and tracking. eNeuro 4(6):ENEURO.0179-17.2017.
4. Avraham G, Mawase F, Karniel A, Shmuelof L, Donchin O, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Nisky I (2017) Representing delayed force feedback as a combination of current and delayed states. J Neurophysiol 118(4):2110-2131.
5. Berio D, Calinon S, Fol Leymarie F (2017) Dynamic graffiti stylisation with stochastic optimal control. In: Proc 4th International Conference on Movement Computing, Article No. 18. Berio D, Calinon S, Fol Leymarie F (2017) Generating calligraphic trajectories with model predictive control. In: Proc 43rd Conference on Graphics Interface, pp 132-139.
6. Cashaback JGA, McGregor HR, Mohatarem A, Gribble PL (2017) Dissociating error-based and reinforcement-based loss functions during sensorimotor learning. PLoS Comput Biol 13(7):e1005623.
7. Della Santina C, Bianchi M, Grioli G, Angelini F, Catalano M, Garabini M, Bicchi A (2017) Controlling soft robots: Balancing feedback and feedforward elements. IEEE Robot Automat Mag 24(3):75-83.
8. Leib R, Karniel A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2017) The mechanical representation of temporal delays. Sci Rep 7(1):7669.
9. Ambe Y, Aoi S, Nachstedt T, Manoonpong P, Wörgötter F, Matsuno F (2018) Simple analytical model reveals the functional role of embodied sensorimotor interaction in hexapod gaits. PLoS One 13(2):e0192469.
10. Cordova Bulens D, Crevecoeur F, Thonnard J-L, Lefèvre P (2018) Optimal use of limb mechanics distributes control during bimanual tasks. J Neurophysiol 119(3):921-932.
11. Farshchian A, Sciutti A, Pressman A, Nisky I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA (2018) Energy exchanges at contact events guide sensorimotor integration. Elife 7:e32587.
12. Lopez-Moliner J, Vullings C, Madelain L, van Beers RJ (2018) Prediction and final temporal errors are used for trial-to-trial motor corrections. Preprint (bioRxiv 368001v1).
13. Oguz OS, Zhou Z, Glasauer S, Wollherr D (2018) An inverse optimal control approach to explain human arm reaching control based on multiple internal models. Sci Rep 8(1):5583.
14. Zhang Z, Guo D, Huber ME, Park SW, Sternad D (2018) Exploiting the geometry of the solution space to reduce sensitivity to neuromotor noise. PLoS Comput Biol 14(2):e1006013.
15. Hu W, Lum GZ, Mastrangeli M, Sitti M (2018) Small-scale soft-bodied robot with multimodal locomotion. Nature 554(7690):81-85. video

Calendar 5AH13 (Part 2)

Syllabus 5AH13 (Part 2)


Courses 5AH13 Part 2

1. Functional motor anatomy (E. Guigon)   (7.3Mo)
2. Methods & advanced data processing (E. Guigon)   (14.5Mo)
3. Stroke and rehabilitation (E. Guigon)   (8.1Mo)
4. Movement disorders and nervous disease (E. Guigon)   (2.7Mo)
5. Bibliography (E. Guigon)   (0.1Mo)

Assignment Part 2

Date: Tuesday 27 November 2018 | 8h30-12h45
Please choose one of the following articles (3 students/article) and indicate your choice by email to emmanuel.guigon at sorbonne-universite.fr. If the article is still available, you will receive an acknowledgement of your choice.
Prepare a 10-min presentation (in english) to describe the work reported in the article. Please use some slides as a support to present the article (with a maximum of 6-7 slides). Use the following plan:
- Introduction (involving the research question and its relevance for the field)
- Procedure
- Main results (you can do several times procedure and results if there are several studies)
- Discussion (involving explaining what did the results specifically showed).
The presentation will be followed by questions (10-min). An evaluation mark will be given based on the clarity of the presentation and the depth of understanding. The intrinsic difficulty of each article will be taken into account. Please respect the timing.
The presentations (ppt or pdf) can be sent in advance to emmanuel.guigon at sorbonne-universite.fr (preferred), brought on a USB key (good), or on your own computer (less preferred).


1. Maravita A, Spence C, Kennett S, Driver J (2002) Tool-use changes multimodal spatial interactions between vision and touch in normal humans. Cognition 83(2):B25-B34.
2. Palmeri TJ, Blake R, Marois R, Flanery MA, Whetsell W (2002) The perceptual reality of synesthetic colors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99(6):4127-4131.
3. Longo MR, Lourenco SF (2006) On the nature of near space: effects of tool use and the transition to far space. Neuropsychologia 44(6):977-981.
4. Lenggenhager B, Tadi T, Metzinger T, Blanke O (2007) Video ergo sum: manipulating bodily self-consciousness. Science 317(5841):1096-1099.
5. Held R, Ostrovsky Y, de Gelder B, Gandhi T, Ganesh S, Mathur U, Sinha P (2011) The newly sighted fail to match seen with felt. Nat Neurosci 14(5):551-553.
6. Levy-Tzedek S, Novick I, Arbel R, Abboud S, Maidenbaum S, Vaadia E, Amedi A (2012) Cross-sensory transfer of sensory-motor information: visuomotor learning affects performance on an audiomotor task, using sensory-substitution. Sci Rep 2:949.
7. Striem-Amit E, Guendelman M, Amedi A (2012) 'Visual' acuity of the congenitally blind using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution. PLoS One 7(3):e33136.
8. Bremner AJ, Caparos S, Davidoff J, de Fockert J, Linnell KJ, Spence C (2013) "Bouba" and "Kiki" in Namibia? A remote culture make similar shape-sound matches, but different shape-taste matches to Westerners. Cognition 126(2):165-172.
9. Hartcher-O'Brien J, Auvray M, Hayward V (2015) Perception of distance-to-obstacle through time-delayed tactile feedback. In: Proc IEEE World Haptics Conference, pp 7-12.